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Monday, May 19, 2008

Looking Great

Day 365:

It's been one f u l l day that isn't done with yet; however, we received the ALL CLEAR report, so the rest of the day will be a great deal more tolerable.

The doctors report on the arm and hand progress is still unclear - they are happy with some things and not so happy with others. I believe the phrase they used was: We need to think about where we go from here.

Meanwhile, on the oncology side, we were given the news that Hannah will not require scans until November. This left Kim and I a bit speechless. The first thought is,... alright, scans are being moved out to every 6 months. Then the second thought hits you,... scans are being moved out to every 6 months. What will that do us? It's like yanking the safety net.

While going through scans every 3 months can be cause for high anxiety, it's good to know that in three months Hannah would be checked again and if anything popped up, it would be immediately taken care of. This brings us to a different spot on the cancer journey - moving away from the medical care blanket.

Dr. Kahn did say that she needed to confirm with a few more doctors to verify the timing of scans, but based on our protocol,... November is on the agenda next.

Thanks for your prayers. We really appreciate your support.


Anonymous said...

Gold baby!

One thought comes to mind:

"I could have missed the pain, but I'd of had to miss the dance."

Every day is a journey, and I'm glad I could walk right at your side.


Anonymous said...

Halleluia! Thank goodness for clear scans. Shanna couldn't have quoted a better man than Garth Brooks! Here's another..."I can't abide, standing outside the fire!" You have become stronger through this fire..stay strong!

b said...


See ya soon!

Mr. David Kelly said...

b. - warm the fire, we're on our way!

Anonymous said...

We got the SUPER GREAT news from your mom last evening (5-19). Couldn't be more thrilled for all of you. What a relief!! Our prayer is that Hannah continues to receive such reports.

Love and Prayers for all of you.

U. Harry & A. Sonia