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Monday, December 18, 2006

The Day After Progress Reports

Parents are asking great questions.

“When do we see a break down of the assignments?” I will send an attached breakdown of the assignments in a given subject when a student drops below a C-.

“How did the grade change so quickly from the last report?” Depending on the number of assignments in the book, a grade can change rapidly with only a few assignments. There’s also the tested material versus the homework. It is weighted a little more. The daily work will outweigh the tests overall in a grading period.

“Should I set up an appointment to come in and talk?” Only after you’ve talked with your child first. They are more knowledgeable than you may give credit. A student knows why they have slipped in their grades most of the time. Typically it’s a result in low daily work scores, not studying for a test, or not taking advantage of redo opportunities.

“Can you give extra credit to bring the grades up?” I don’t give extra credit to bring grades up. I do provide extra credit opportunities in each area for students who wish to take advantage of extra points.

“What can we do to help?” Provide a quiet study environment. Provide a daily routine for studying. Provide your assistance in looking over work, reading with them, and being a sounding board as they work through problems.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy Festivus

In the words of Cosmo Kramer, "It's a Festivus Miracle!"

With Commercial Christmas in full swing, it's important to remember the true meaning behind Christmas. This reminder of holiday traditions was displayed well through a Seinfeld episode called "The Strike." In it, a brash reminder that while all holidays hold their traditions, Frank Costanza was not about to be caught up in the commercialism of Christmas and thus came up with FESTIVUS. So I say Merry Christmas, God Bless, and if your counting down the days until you receive all your presents... Happy Festivus.

The Festivus Pole made of aluminum....

Cosmo Kramer: Is there a tree?
Frank Costanza: No, instead, there's a pole. It requires no decoration. I find tinsel distracting.

The Airing of Grievances....

Frank Costanza: I got a lot of problems with you people!

The Feats of Strength....

Frank Costanza : All right, George. It's time for the Festivus Feats of Strength!
George Costanza: No! No! No feats of strength!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Loud, Proud, and .... What Could You Speak Up!!

Our class is in the middle of a project to create an Native American village depicting the life of certain Michigan tribes. As the assignment went out, the groups assigned, and the planning phase about to begin, students began vying for position within the herd. I wish business people could spend a day in a classroom and watch in awe as students have to be taught how to handle themselves in a cooperative group manner. I think as adults we take for granted the sanity at which we coexist among our peers. We forget the days of school and being a kid in a class where boundaries are constantly being tested and tried. Where the common social rules don't necessarily apply 100% of the time. After all, it's a learning environment.

While the kids use the 'If I yell louder then the next person, I will win' technique, I'm brought back to my own home and the interactions we have among five people. The youngest child just so happens to be the loudest. Why? I've come to the conclusion it's because he wants to be heard. He wants to give his opinion, and just like all of us, whatever he's about to say needs to be heard by everyone (including the neighbors). If he's not in 'yell' mode then he will be easily and quickly dismissed. Hmmmmm, just like the kids in class. It's talk loudly first, listen second.
So am I witnessing learned behavior or survival behavior? If the survival behavior is not modified at home than doesn't it then become learned behavior?

What's your thoughts?
Is your home different?
Shopping - Leave It to Santa I Say

I did it.

Always knew of
it. Never really gave it much thought. Wanted to see if it was all that.
So, I did

I went out shopping on Black Friday. Yep, woke up at the crack of 6-ish
; actually got up and out of bed by 6:20 in the AM. Cup of coffee, a breakfast bar, warmed the car up, another cup of coffee, and we were off. We traveled a full 8 miles to reach our destination. I was literally ready for the experience! I had heard about the pushing, the shoving, the grabbing, the pulling, the tugging, the raucous crowds.....I wanted the full blown experience. Best Buy seemed to be the Best Bet. Television depicted people lining up the night before just to get the great deals. The doors slid open and I entered like a cowboy of the old west entering through the swinging doors of the saloon - ready for the carnage!!

What I thought and what I experienced were two different things. First of all, there was no pushing or shoving (people were way to tired for that). There were, however, a number of long lines. Lines that seem to weave from no where and yet went everywhere.

Deals? I saw no deals! In fact, the lady in the line behind me had her spouse reference the fact that she could get the same movies, for the same price, on a different day. He was right! I personally had a few items that had no special mark down. Yet, I was determined to go through the full experience and stick it out.

I've come to one conclusion. Black Friday is a whole lot of hype for the effort. When it comes to bargain shopping next year, I'm going to leave it to Santa and the Internet