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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Purple Bucket

Day 400:

Sat through the the movie The Bucket List just recently. For those who are unaware of the premise (as I was),'s two strangers who meet under the cancer experience and are given about a year to live. As the story unfolds and they begin their 'list of things to do' before they pass, you begin to realize one very important thing about this movie: It's good to have a very, very wealthy friend.

Aside from the do anything attitude of the two men, it does show in a round about way the affect that cancer can have on your outlook of life.

Which brings me to the Relay For Life.

For the past few weeks leading up to the relay, I had placed some question seeking emails to the contact person on the website, but never heard a thing. So, my interest to go,.. coupled with the Hucke's visit and the knowledge of attending the relay in Niles (in July) as a definite possibility, was not really high.

We did end up, however, doing the drop-by thing for about an hour on Saturday. I spotted hundreds of Relay for Life shirts and various other 'Rocking for the Cause' type shirts (which was the theme for the year). All of which I looked at in the same way. It wasn't until Kim checked on a shirt for Hannah and Daniel that she was told, "Only survivors wear the purple shirts."

Once I heard this, it put a whole new outlook on all those relay shirts being worn. I began seeing survivors and caregivers. It was as if I had been viewing things in black and white and then suddenly switched over to color in HD.

The Bucket List may not have reached the reality level for me, but it was right on with the life changing things that make us change focus and see what's there before us.


Anonymous said...

Aw, Dave. Actually, meeting you was on my bucket list.

See you soon!


PS: Gold!

b said...

Beer fire on my bucket list. Hannah looks great in Purple of course.

Anonymous said...

Awesome experience!! I was out of town camping; glad to hear you made it there and experienced the purple-iffic effect of this event.

If you need some more cookies for Hannah's sale, let me know. I can contribute crumb-by-crumb.


Anonymous said...

Hannah, I think it's an awesome thing you are doing by selling the cookies by your house to raise money for your charities. How much have you collected already? God's Peace be with you!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Hannah made the first story in Moody on the Market! Congrats & good luck on your fundraiser!

Ingrid Wiskow