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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cookie Stand

Day 386:

'Cookies for Cancer'

It's got that alliteration feeling to it - and it combines two of our interests: Making, eating, selling , sharing cookies,....and raising money for kids with cancer.

It's amazing what a lemonade / cookie stand can raise in a short 3 hour period. "Hannah, how did you do?" I was curious what the effect of a cookie stand had when placed directly across the street from the little league hot dog stand.

Let me back up for a moment.

Location, location, location. Our home is directly across from three youth baseball fields, where in the months of May and June are packed with loving, screaming, cheering grand/parents and siblings.

Hannah and Emily decided yesterday to set up a lemonade / cookie stand. As they prepared to go head to head with the 'hot dog' stand that the league runs, my mind envisioned the commissioner of the league making his way to my front door to discuss the situation.

"Hannah, I don't think this is such a good idea," I opened up the conversation as she and Emily laid out the treats on the table which had now turned my front lawn into a store front of goodies.

"Dad,... we did it last year!" she firmly reminded me of last years success with the lemonade stand in May - prior to our leaving for Mayo.

"Yes, but you were selling lemonade during practice times when the concession stand was closed. They're open now, and I don't think they will like the fact that you're taking their customers away."

"Well, they don't sell lemonade or cookies so it doesn't matter," she retorted with the confidence of a DECCA member. It's all about the market!

I still wasn't feeling really comfortable as I worked in the back yard listening to the girls in the front give their sales cry, "COOKIES!.....LEMONADE!!" to each passing pedestrian and every person that did a slow drive by in anticipation of a child darting out from the ball field area.

After about an hour, I checked the progress,....and I must say, it wasn't just the average lemonade / cookie stand. The girls had decided to raise money for two very good causes: Kids with Cancer and the Humane Society. They had taken news clippings and photos and placed them on the table to share with those who stopped, along with separate buckets to collect money for each.

Later that night Kim and I had one of those talks,..the kind where you're really tired and don't feel much like talking, but when a good thing happens, you just have to stay up and talk it through.

"What do you think about this cookie idea?" I said this already knowing the answer. It would mean that if Hannah were to sell cookies, Kim would be spending a great deal of her time assisting in the production. Not to be biased or anything,..but she does make the best cookies around.

"I think it's a fantastic idea," was her reply.

Oh Sweet Nelly,.. cookies could be the beginning to OSN (Oncology Societal Network). Sell a cookie, share a story,... and by the way, 'would you care for a lemonade to wash it down with?'

"Hannah, how did you do?" I waited to hear the results.
"Twenty seven dollars and two cents," was her matter of fact reply.

OSN has cookies for sale,...we just need to figure out how to do it without getting into trouble with the government while raising money for kids with cancer.


Anonymous said...


It was like a war between the hot dog stand and us. But our lemonade and cookies money went to the cause's.


Anonymous said...


And, I'm onto T-shirt productions. Have to have proper OSN representation now that God got it rolling. :-)


Anonymous said...


Pink lemonade or yellow lemonade? Chocolate chip cookies, no-bakes, or peanut butter cookies? Add all these into your analysis of the situation, although Location, Location, Location is important!!

What a blessing to have two children selling something for a cause. The future of our nation looks bright!

What would happen if it was sloppy joes and potato chips with the lemonade...oooh the possibilities are endless!


b said...

Ah cookies ... I feel the love!

Anonymous said...

Let me know if Kim needs a break from baking cookies if the stand continues. I'll be happy to bake some batches.


Mr. David Kelly said...

Suzie - that's awesome! Hannah is gone for the next two days, but when she returns she plans on hitting the stand hard.

Theresa said...

I stumbled upon your site looking for information on a lemonade stand / cookie stand for my 6 yr old and her friends to do this summer. I talked to her about donating the money to charity, which she thinks is a good idea. I have read through your blogs and I am so touched by your faith and strength. I wish you all the absolute best and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Mr. David Kelly said...

Theresa - thanks for reading,.. and for your child and friends that want to raise money to donate. That's awesome!

You'll have to check back and let us know how the summer went.

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