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Sunday, April 20, 2008

It Begins Again

Some parents of children with cancer can remember the exact day in which the doctor said the words, "It's cancer."

For me it's today. 365 days ago today, we were heading to the Mayo Clinic. On the day before, Hannah had her last travel basketball game with team party to follow their wonderful season. It was that night that she complained of her arm hurting,... Kim feeling the lump,... and our excursion to the hospital to reassure us all that danger was not eminent.

I can still hear the emergency doctor begin to run down the list of steps to follow - it was there that I could stop him, "We're heading to Mayo TOMORROW."
"Good choice," he replied.

Both Kim and I woke early on Sunday(not that sleep was really an option) and headed to school to lay out lesson plans for our substitutes. In the past a two day trip was typical - have the MRI, visit with the doctors, and head home. So being the prepared teacher, I printed out three days (the 'just in case' clause). As a teacher, I have the typical lesson plans on my computer for the week ahead,.. then I have the substitute plans which detail every minute of the day.

By the late morning time, we were back at home (anxiety climbing through the roof - only no one would speak of it), and we were preparing for our departure. Not knowing what lie ahead, but definitely not expecting what was there.

All day today, the thoughts of last year ran through my mind. I kept them to myself for the most part - sharing a moment with Kim once, "You know it was a year this Sunday, ... well, actually Monday with the days moving forward, that we were heading to the Mayo Clinic for the first time?"

You hate to say those things aloud because it brings up a time that most would soon forget. But, it's a celebration as well. For we are still here, still fighting, and still praying that God has a plan that is bigger than cancer.

Yet, I can't help but pause and think, 'How many children have begun the path we have taken today? How many families have begun the walk through cancer?' I know there has been a number of them since we began, and there will be more to come.

My prayer is that these families,... on this night,... be comforted in knowing that they are not alone.

Peace and Prayers


Anonymous said...

Sorry I've not checked the Blog for a while and when Ken was here over the weekend it reminded me. Love the flute and Hannah is doing well for the limited use she has. Also guess there is no need for me to tell you how much prayers have worked in your favor this last year. You do relize how powerful prayers are for all of us.
Barb R.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully worded, Dave! You are such a wonderful family and I believe that your experience with cancer is not over...simply because your words, prayers, and strong faith is an inspiration for everyone. Thank you for sharing your words so eloquently, honestly, and bravely. Praise God for Hannah fighting the cancer!

Melissa R.

Anonymous said...

To think that a year ago today, we didn't know each other...I knew ABOUT you, at least, would have within this week, but who'd have thought that this experience would be such a blessing? Such a gift? And, yes, celebration. Hannah, what do you think? Some cake? I'm there. For those in whos lives we will be used in because your life, as this family's, was touched in this way, may God continue to bless them the way He has us.


PS: Jeremiah 29:11

Anonymous said...


Just got home from sunny Florida and read the blog. Your reminiscing brings back very vivid memories, tears, and a big lump in my throat. The cancer ordeal has given both family and friends an opportunity to experience the miracles of prayer and the love of GOD. Hannah is truly a child of GOD and has been given the power to conquer the adversities of this past year and the years to come. I know GOD will use her throughtout her Life.

Also thanks for the video of Hannah playing her flute. LOVED IT!!! Hannah, I am so proud of you and Grandma is too.

Love you all,
Grandpa & Grandma Kelly