Wings over radiation any day! When given the option of listening to your favorite music while a laser pin points the exact spot to induce the radiation into your tumor,... or go for some super hot wings with a dill spear chaser, the choice is easy. "Extra pickles please," Hannah is known for requesting the extra dill spears every time we take a trip to our favorite wings spot, Wings Etc.
This is probably why she jumped so high when we listened to the voice message left by Darla, the manager of Wings Etc. at Benton Harbor, "We love your family and would love to host a signing here."
"We have a special gift for Hannah," Darla sat across from me today outlining plans for the book signing. I actually know what the "special" is but because I have a 12 year old who loves to read the blog, I'm not at liberty to say - only that it's really really cool! I wanted to leap across the table and give Darla a giant hug, but I fear that social boundaries might be over-stepped. So instead, I just sat there in my high bar seat and fought back the water welling up in my eyes. It just seems overwhelming to have such a tremendous support of people that I knew, but yet don't truly know.
Then Darla hit me with another overwhelming gift, "We would like to take part of the proceeds and donate them to a charity you wold like to name." So,... to recap the past five minutes of our meeting, Wings has a special gift for Hannah AND they would like to give a part of their proceeds to a charity we name. "We would handle all the marketing for the book signing with emails and posters as well," Darla was laying out the plan and I was trying to soak in the generosity of it all.
We concluded our meeting with a hand shake - which again, I was thinking I wanted to hug this wonderful lady who just offered to do SO much. As I walked to the car, I couldn't help but smile - the kind of smile you get after just winning a state championship (you just can't help yourself because there's no removing it).
We are signing books at Wings Etc. on September 17 from 5 to 9 PM. We hope you can make it.
God. Is so beyond amazing.
I love you guys. Such life we have lived.
I sure wish I could join you, but It is a little far from Florida. Can't wait until next Friday when Grandpa brings my book. I only got to sneak peaks of the others before I gave them away. Wings are a favorite, but never had dill pickles with them, only celery and carrots.
Love, Barb
Don't you mean " lowes "? love you guys we will be there.;o)
Wings Etc. is awesome!
What I meant was ADD "TIME OUT" to your book shelf! what an amazing story.
We cant wait to see you all for the book signing on Thursday and tell Hannah I will have her pickles ready!!! ;)
Tina Hankins
General Manager, Wings Ect
Hi Dave & Hannah,
Thank you for all your kind words in your blog. We are honored to have your family come in for the book signing. Your story has touched us in ways that you couldn't imagine.
P.S. We accept hugs anytime!!! ;)
Darla Landon
Owner, Wings ect.
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