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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Chew on This

Day 407:

"Where are you?" I had to place the call, we were already running short on cookies!
"I'm at the store. Hey, I missed 9 calls. Was that you?" Kim's response seemed a little less frantic than what I had hoped for.

"YES! That would have been me, trying to reach you," we were in the beginning of the Cookies for Cancer and already running short on inventory. Kim had planned on baking a few more batches, but the fact that we had not checked the egg supply left our ingredients a bit lacking - Chef Ramsey would not have been happy.

Hannah had a great day yesterday as the community rolled up to the the front of our house for cookies and lemonade,.. and a chance to speak with Hannah a bit. I, of course, was banned from the cookie area for no particular reason other than,.... "Dad, here comes some people, you need to go now," Hannah put to me in a matter of fact manner. I can only assume that she felt that if I were there, they would want to talk to me instead of her handling things herself. Fair enough. I became the runner man (run for this, run for that).

When the whole family got rolling we made quite the team - even Sam and Dustin (my nephew) decided to jump into the cookie making experience. We will add the disclaimer though that we DID NOT sell any of their creations. Yet, surprisingly enough, the lumped together cookie of mush was very tasty.

Hannah, along with the assistance of Max and Lilly (my niece) doubled their June sales in one day. She already has plans to purchase books, games, and crafts for the children.

Someone did ask for her hours. Good question! It's been during baseball games up to this point, but they wrap up with the league this week,, we'll have to put some thought to this question and get back to everyone. We've talked about it and she would like to continue. Any thoughts - place your vote on the poll.


b said...


All these cookies are not helping my waistline! At least Kimmy and I are walking, to justify the cookie eating I guess.

I have no idea on the timing of cookie sales ... You've got your hands full!


Anonymous said...

I'll give you my professional "changing the world, one cookie at a time" opinion in ... 2 days. :-)


Anonymous said...

God has given a gift to Hannah and the Kelly family. Amen for the teamwork and a little girl taking her experience and turning it into something grand! I picked Thursday from 5 p.m.-7 p.m.: you can get the evening commuters home :).

The family is camping right now. But, when we return I'd love to back a few batches and drop them off...let me know if you are accepting donations.


Anonymous said...

Kim, as always, the cookies are great! The Brewer family has been doing their share to contribute to the cause during our little league games. Jacob's final game was last night, so we won't be right across the street to get our fix!

Gary said...

Chef Ramsey says BEEEEEEP you're out of eggs? BEEEEP Hannah needs to find better help! BEEEEP she can't be responsible for all areas of this growing business. If you expect to provide the needed cookies those two bozos in the picture better not be your BEEEEP chefs! BEEEEEEEEEEEP

God's speed Miss Hannah!!

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