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Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's In The Genes

Having 'Good Genes' can be a comfort. Finding comfortable jeans,... another milestone in middle age.

Two grandfathers who are both living life to the fullest, 'loving every minute of it' (lyrics by???), and clearly not trudging through a Michigan Winter, as they bask in the Florida warmth. People often tell me,.."WOW, you're going to live a long life," after hearing that I have both granddads around.

These are the same people that tell me to look to my Mom's father to determine if I'll be left with any covering on the roof top (aka: hair). The classic theory that if he has hair, I will be blessed with hair as well in my older age. check - hair is goooooood.

If this is true and I'm to look to my grandfathers for life expectancy, someone better get Willard Scott to my house soon, because between the two grandfathers and modern medicine, we're looking at biblical times. I wonder if the banks would consider extending my loans to triple digits - apparently I'm going to be good for it.

History says a great deal. Your medical history, for example, sets the stage for the insurance company when it comes to medical procedures,...."Do you have a medical history of...?" Well then, you are covered. It's that simple - at times.

The funny thing about history is that no matter what you derive from it, your future is not determined by it. It's all in God's hands and the plan for your life is laid out. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. I'm speculating the ugly is the stuff between the good and the bad. When I begin to look at the future and what it has in store for me, I have to step back and remember, .......'This is already determined.' And when I can do that,..well, the Good becomes Great, while the Bad the Ugly become Good, because God wouldn't make plans any other way.

Peace and Prayers


Anonymous said...

AMEN!!! It couldn't have been said any better!
As for genes: I'm basking in the, "He looks just like you!" when people see Marshall and I together. My father is balding, hmmmm...does that theory still apply to women? My grandfather is alive and kicking, so life expectancy looks good. But, as you said, "God has a plan." My faith becomes stronger every day, hour, minute, second that the plan is good.

How's the car handling this weather? Did you have a snowdrift inside your car again?
Melissa R.

P.S.: With all this white around, I see a glimpse of GOLD!!

Mr. David Kelly said...

I don't even notice anymore. As I'm cruising (cause that's what you do in a Toyota - ya cruise) home this evening, there on the dashboard - a drift. I didn't bother wiping it off as usual; instead I watched it melt away as the heater went into over-drive.

Anonymous said...

So, I must have been the "Ugly" right? I mean, look at those HJK videos. I have three eyes. :-)

Dave, I couldn't have said it better myself. Jeremiah 29:11. I live, and breath it. God gives us blessings in the fact that we are able to realize that He is the one who takes care of us, and we have to do nothing, when so many others haven't been given the ability to shape their world with that hert-filled knowledge.

Did I mention that we should write a book? That way, when the genes win out, the book will still be here to make the difference we do now.

Love ya Bikerdave.

And, I CANNOT wait for you to be here! But, when you arrive, you are welcome ride in our car. In fact, I'll even drive. Steve thinks I'm good. Just ask him. And, our cars keep the snowdrifts outside, even when I get stuck in them.



PS: Who is Loverboy? 200 points to the CDBG!

PPS: Silver, and woah, it's been too long since I really blog commented. :-)

b said...

Wow ... I'm this late and I get bronze.

Glad you've still got your hair Dave ... Griesbaum can tell you about life w/o it. He keeps talking about transplants. I'm not convinced, but I'm not the bald one.

I'm so excited for Hannah's hair coming in!

God definately has a plan for us, we need to just hang on and go for it.

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

That was good!!!

Speaking of your car, thought I'd share a funny story...
We bought Kelsey an older car so I won't have to continue to drive her all over once she turns 16 (Feb 25th). It happens to be a convertible. Last weekend we took her car to do some errands. We get on the highway & I notice that it is snowing...inside her car!!! It was coming in between the top & the windshield, right into our faces. It was soo funny, I instantly thought of you. The only way to keep the snow off our faces was to put down the visors.
(In her car, apparently, they are sun/snow visors). Or, I guess that she could bring along her ski goggles if snow is in the forecast.
(We will tighten the top down & hope that that fixes it).