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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Landing on Recovery

"Dr. Shin and Dr. Bishop are ready to speak to you," the communication nurse found us dropping caffeine into our system ala Caribou Coffee. One of my favorite parts of surgery is when the nurses tell you to take care of yourself and to go get a bite to eat - yeah, right! The last thing you want to do is to take even one step out of the parent waiting room.

Sitting in the tiny conference room is not one of the most relaxing places to be,.. I've heard that the Jamaican beaches are nice,... but knowing that Hannah was done had some comfort to it. Kim and I both sat in our own silence, holding hands for the few minutes we waited to hear the outcome.

"The three bones have been removed," Dr. Bishop began telling us about the procedure. "The cartilage had been completely worn away, leaving bone on bone." He explained that while the removal of the bones was necessary to alleviate tightness in the wrist area, the sight would eventually host arthritis. With the bones removed Hannah's wrist went to a 30 degree bend.

Dr. Shin then explained the part of releasing all the muscle and tendons to allow the hand further flexing. "We were able to cut through a large section of scar tissue and release the hand." The one thing they both noticed was the artery that supplies the blood flow to the hand. Apparently, one was removed with the tumor, while the other was shut down by process of radiation. "This leaves one tiny path for the blood to flow to the hand which has us concerned," Dr. Bishop added. If the blood flow were to stop, then Hannah's skin would develop ischemia (shortage of blood which causes tissue damage that is very painful). "We released the tourniquet and her fingers turned pink. That's a good sign. Not quite sure how it's doing it, but at this point it seems to be working," Dr. Shin continued to explain the floppy hand issues. "Her hand has no function right now. With the release of the muscles she has nothing to bring her grip in."

Both went on to explain that Hannah would need another surgery (perhaps in August) to remove a muscle from her upper left thigh and place it into her arm. This would give her some ability to clench her fingers, but as for her strength in that hand,... time will tell. The one thing that they kept reiterating was, "She will be in a tremendous amount of pain."

We are waiting to hear from the recovery room and the possibility of getting a hospital room - because this morning they were waiting to see how many kids would be discharged today in order to place us in a room.


Anonymous said...

God's Peace be with Hannah as she heals from today's surgery. Thank you for keeping us updated. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you whether it be Hannah, family members, or the medical staff. God is watching over all of you!

b said...

Kelly's -
I'm so happy to hear the news that surgery is over. What an exhausting morning you must've had! God is keeping his watch over you, and giving you strength. Praying for Hannah's pain to be manageable. Talk to you soon!

Love you!!!

Unknown said...

Bless the doctors for what they do. Manage the pain and get alittle stronger each day. Grace and Peace.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts & prayers are with you during Hannah's recovery. She's had tremendous strength to see her through everything she's been through. We'll pray she manages the upcoming pain.

The Brewers

Anonymous said...

All of you will be in our prayers as Hannah works through the pain.
Barb Ryan

Pam McLean said...

Hi Hannah & Family,

We wanted to let you know that we're praying for a quick recovery and as little pain as possible! We loved the pink surgery caps. Take care & God bless!
The McLean Family

Lil Gramma Laura said...

We too are waiting with tears, many prayers, and much love for this time of pain to be over...Even though we know that healing is occurring, that doesn't take away the pain you ALL are going through right now.
Hold one another in love, just as God is holding you,
Roger and Laura Hucke

Anonymous said...

"God didn't promise days without Pain,
laughter without Sorrow,
nor sun without Rain.
But He did promise Strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears, and
Light for the way."

Remember to remain strong through the pain. You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Melissa R.

Anonymous said...

Sending our love and prayers. We hope Hannah had a comforting and restful night! She is so strong in mind and body and it's these reasons we believe she will make a tremendously fast recovery!!

It may seem like you're in a storm right now and all the clouds look so gray,but sometimes each gray cloud may contain a blessing later on!!!

All our love,

Ron, Donna, Paige and Dustin