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Sunday, June 07, 2009

A Bucket List

It was just yesterday when I was seated in a circle of friends, when one of them mentioned a bucket list. All I could think of was Jack Nicholson strapped to a parachute and about to take the plunge of a lifetime out of a perfectly good airplane (isn't that what most think ... why jump? This plane is working great.).

A bucket list? I don't have a bucket list. Should I have one? Wouldn't it just be a reminder of things I haven't done yet? Perhaps I could design one that has no chance of failure,... like a bucket list of 'beers to taste before I die'. But what if I never get the opportunity to sample all the ones I had listed; or worse yet, end up in rehab because I had made it through my list and was on a second go-round.

Then I thought why do people develop a bucket list? Are they terminal? The only reason for creating one, as Jack had, was because of a terminal diagnosis. Which makes sense to me. If the doctor gave me a time period of so many months, what would I want to see, do, and experience? We've all given this some thought, haven't we?

That's when clarity broke in for me and stopped my search for a reason for a bucket list. It's not what you do, what you experience, or what you can check off a list. It's the relationships both with friends, family, and God that matter the most. I don't need to climb the highest mountain when I can spend an evening in the company of remarkable friends. I don't need to see the ruins of some great monument when I can spend time watching my children grow. I don't need to check off a list when I know that the greatest moment in life will be standing before Jesus, because nothing on that list will compare.

We leave for Mayo on Tuesday, with doctors appointments on Wednesday, followed by surgery on Thursday. I will do my very best to keep everyone informed. Of course, I have fallen short lately with information regarding Shanna. She has undergone surgery to remove a tumor that was recently found. The doctors feel that they have clear margins. Please keep her in your prayers.

Also, the book is in and it looks great! A little surreal to see it actually in a finalized format. We have 30 days to proof it one last time before it goes to print for the masses.

Peace and Prayers


Anonymous said...

Dave, congrats on the book....what an exciting and personal accomplishment for you. I look forward to reading it one of these days. My prayers go out to Hannah and the family as you head to Mayo's this week. God is always there for you and will guide you through the events of this week in your lives. I pray that Shanna is feeling better since her surgery as well. She is a remarkable young lady. I have certainly appreciated the openess of your faith in God as you speak on this blog site. That is one of the great things about our country and how we can voice how we feel and what we believe and who is our Lord. To God be the glory!

cancer dancer biker girl said...

"We're ready to respond, to the glory of Your name. Praise is waiting for You in this place. Our hearts will cry as we live in Your glory."

Boots, and the Kelly crew. A friend of mine and I watched every Kelly DVD we have last night. It was powerful, not because we had an opportunity to look at who God has made us, and the relationships He's built, but because we got to watch Him, work fully. We got to see Him, in us.

The only thing that ever needs to be on our list is to die to ourselves more every day, and live more in Him, in each moment.

Nothing more ever needed. Our lives are not our own. And, I wouldn't want it any other way.

Much thanks for the prayers, bloggers. :-) God is good, all the time, and His will, perfect. I can't wait to see what He has planned.


PS: Beerfire on Tues night in SE MN. I'll be there. Ready to hug?

Anonymous said...


Good analysis of the movie "Bucket List"! You are right, people do not need to have a long list of things that need to be accomplished before they die. Their "bucket list" really only needs to have one item - that being . . . am I going to be with GOD in Heaven when I leave this earth and has my life on earth been pleasing to GOD?

Have safe travels. See you in MN Wednesday and am looking forward to reviewing your book.

Hannah, we will be praying extra prayers for you, your doctors and the medical staff.

Mom & Dad,
Grandma & Grandpa

Anonymous said...

AMEN Brother-man!!! How odd that I have been doing the same reflections and came up with the same just put it in better words!

Can't wait to see, purchase, and get an author signature with your book!!!

Prayers are flying for Hannah and Shanna!! I'm back taking care of Dad for a while.

"God doesn't give us what we can handle;
God helps us handle what we are given."

"If God brings you to it...
He will bring you through it."

Hope to see you this summer-
Melissa R.

h-smille said...

Hi Hannah,

Wishing you a safe trip and successful surgery!! We'll be praying for you:-)

Your Make-A-Wish fans,
Harry & Sharon

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