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Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Last Two Words

"Wait,...what?"   Two words that should never be put together after I'm done teaching a lesson,..unless it's May. 

It's tough enough teaching review lessons at this time of the year...  the sun is out, the warm breeze blows through the window, and I'm diving into new content in hopes of giving them a leg up for next year.  Just when I get to the end of the lesson and I ask, "Are there any questions because I'm going to have you do some problems?" that's when those two words send a slump into my shoulder area. 

"Wait,...what?"  the look on about a dozen faces leaves me wondering who said it.  They all seem to have the burned out look in their eyes.  "What are we suppose to be doing?" comes the voice of the brave person who admittedly wasn't paying attention.

It's the end of nine and a half month endeavor to cram knowledge into their brain, and I'm trying to squeeze more.  They would rather walk over a hot bed of coals then have to endure another math lesson - stand out in a lightning storm with a metal pole, then have to hear and discuss the finer points of prepositional phrases - or, clean their room at home before doing one more lesson in phonics.

That's when I realized that summer is only three weeks away.  A well needed 'wait,...what,...vacation!'  But before that, let's try and tackle some mixed number multiplication!


Anonymous said...

Wait...what were you saying? Hee hee! Hang in there-12 1/2 more days of school!! We'll coffee it up soon.

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