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Friday, May 08, 2009

Change of Days

"All right, it's Friday!" the kids keep reminding me as the day gets under way. You can feel the excitement in the room build with each tick of the clock as it moves closer and closer to that magical hour of 3:25 - the end of the day bell.

I have a different take on Fridays for the the next seven weeks. For Friday to me just means working all day followed by class at night ... then back up again on Saturday and back to class. I remember when Friday meant fun, freedom, and a weekend filled with friends around a fire.

Last night I decided to make Thursday my new Friday for now. If I can't have Friday on Friday than why not just move it and call it Friday. My issue then becomes changing Friday to something like a Monday - after all, Monday's typically seem to drag on longer than most days, and with teaching all day and grad class at night, this day definitely drags on. So it's settled, Monday is now the old Friday, Thursday is the new Friday, and Monday becomes a second Sunday which means I simply change my lesson plans to read nap time for the rest of the year, because Sunday is a day of rest after all.


b said...

What time is "Friday" on Thursday?

Mr. David Kelly said...

Friday begins at noon and lasts the rest of the day.