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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Living United

Day 452:
The United Way has asked Hannah to be one of their speakers this year. Through the Berrien County Cancer Service (which receives support/$$ from the United Way), Hannah was able to receive blood draws through her port, rather than her arm (which just resulted in a lot of crying and several attempts to find a vein). Our nurse, Connie, would come right to the house to draw blood from the port, which in turn gave us the count information we needed. Before we were told about Connie, we had to travel to Kalamazoo, because no one in this area had the training to access a child's port. I know,.. strange huh?,... but that's what we were told.

"Aren't you coming with me?" Hannah was about to give her first United Way speech to a group of UPS drivers, as she walked towards the drivers standing in the middle of the warehouse floor.

The drivers had been trickling in for the past 30 minutes as we stood by with our United Way representative, Retta. All dressed in their customary brown, one by one, two by two, they strolled through the door to take their place among the other drivers at the end of the open bay.

"Okay, we're ready to get started. I'll gather the drivers for stretching first," Brooke the foreman motioned us to follow him . Who knew that the drivers warmed up before they hit the streets? I would have been even more impressed had they performed a little two mile run. "Let's go everyone circle around for stretching!"

Following the stretching and a brief announcement, Retta stepped forward (in the middle of the sea of brown with Hannah) and gave her talk on how the Untied Way assists in our area, then she introduced Hannah.

Hannah doesn't have the projective voice just yet, which caused the brown circle to close in tighter around her as they tried to listen to her over the other noises associated with a package delivery warehouse. I saw the same scene in the Lion King with the hyenas - only the drivers were WAY nicer,... and rather than pounce, they gave Hannah an applause when she finished.

"Well,... what did you think?" I was anxious to hear how she felt about the experience.
"They made me nervous when they all moved in! But,.. it was fun," she had that smile on her face that clearly said, Yes, I did it!

One down, more to go. "Are you busy tomorrow?" Retta had another company in mind for Hannah to talk to.


Anonymous said...

Connie is the most greatest person on earth. She was my dad's nurse when he was going through his chemo. Great Job Hannah!! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah,
I am so proud of how you have handled all the challenges or adventures in your life so far. While you might get apprehensive about something, you somehow manage to keep going and show no fear. Someone once told me that if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. So keep that in mind whether the situation is your health, school, or standing in front of an audience of strangers. God will always help you. God's Peace be with you, Hannah!

Mr. David Kelly said...

To it and through it - that's a great little slogan. I hadn't heard that one before, so thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Right away, we don't have to be good at saying everything that comes out of our mouths, we just have to say it, so someone can hear it.
