10. I left my homework in my desk therefore I couldn't take it home and do it.
9. My mom is still working on it. She sent a note asking for an extension.
8. My what?
7. I couldn't remember what page I was suppose to do so I drew this picture for you to keep. Can I get extra credit for the drawing?
6. I had a game last night. I NEVER do homework on a game night. Could you please see to it that this doesn't happen again?
5. I just put it in my desk 5 minutes ago and now it's gone!
4. I already turned it in like three weeks ago.
3. My big brother needed something to turn into his teacher so I gave him mine.
2. I sold it on the playground to make a profit.
and the number 1 response....
The human mind can only remeber 20% of what it learns in a day. How am I suppose to remember my homework?!
My dog ate it...where is that..HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My dog ate it would have been too easy.
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