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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Gender Issue

I had coffee this morning to a report on television that said that males now make up just over 30% of the educational population of the K-12 system. The top reason more men have not become educators is because men can earn more money in our society outside of the educational system. OUCH. More money!

Than I came to an epiphany. Is that what my profession has come to? Money?? Of course not .... so here's the top ten reasons for being a male teacher.

10. Dibs on lost and found clothing
9. A free membership to the high school weight room
8. The biggest desk in the room
7. Snack time where sharing with the teacher is allowed
6. Endless supply of reading material
5. You always have the correct answers
4. Moms with baked goods and birthday treats
3. You know when it's a drill or when the fire is real
2. Everyone notices when you get a haircut ....., or shave
1. Whenever there's a staff athletic event, you seldom get picked last!

1 comment:

Phill (with 2 L's) said...

Kinda odd,

But you got something there with the birthday Treats