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Monday, February 22, 2010

Join the Fight - Day 4

There's a name tag epidemic in our country that must be addressed! You see it when you go to a convention, you see it at some church services, you see it in business, and you see it in schools - name tags that identify who you are.

Now I'm not opposed to the whole idea of taking away a formal greeting in place of slapping a sticky note to ones body or clipping of a badge. Although when som
eone's wearing a name tag you seldom stop to introduce yourself and ask who they are, because that would seem to 19th Century.

I'm opposed to placement. Case in point,... just this morning. I have my students in the library attending the Book Fair, where a number of volunteers (mainly moms) come to lend a hand. I have a brief interaction with a mom, whom I've not seen before, and I glance at her tag to catch a last name, while she's looking at two boys trying to jot down the name o
f a book.

I'm thinking that perhaps if I can get her last name I may know her
ild(ren). As I glance back to her face, I notice this look of disgust (because her attention is no longer on the boys),... she "apparently" feels that I was staring at an inappropriate area. Hello! If you would slap the sticker on a different body part then perhaps neither of us would have this uncomfortable moment!

I'm starting my own personal crusade that will last for the remainder of the year, ...month, ....week,, ... in the moment, or until a lawsuit is filed. This name tag placement has
gotten out of control and I intend to bring it to the front of societal concerns. I'm thinking there's global warming and name tag placement, ... what Summit do I attend?

I need to rethink my photo and throw in a butt-double. No comments needed.

Day 2 and going strong! Dreams ALIVE PEOPLE! Dreams ALIVE!

Day 3 and
you can sense a movement afoot!

It's Day 4 already and the exhaustion is setting in,... not to mention the obliques are beginning to feel the burn every time I have to twist around to grab my key for something. Don't know how much longer I'll be able to sustain such a grueling pace for societal norming.


Anonymous said...

Good blog. Fully understand what you were trying to do.
However if you really want to protest, maybe you should have two name tags. Put your first name on one and your last name on the other. You can then place one on each back pocket and give everyone a good look.(LOL)


Mr. David Kelly said...

Thank you my supportive father, who by now probably has multiple stickers placed on various parts of his body. Just remember, a sticker does not count as a swimsuit. There are public rules.

Anonymous said...

Are you losing weight...or is it just your position in front of the camera? Trying to get a good butt shot is hard...or cushiony.

b said...

Hey, nice A$$! :) HA HA HA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Missing your blogs!

Dad & Mom