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Thursday, November 09, 2006

A.R.; not Aaaaaargh!

"Wah, wah wah. Wah wah wah, book report. Wah wah wah, for a grade. Wah wah, due by, wah wah wah wah wa."
"Charlie Brown are you okay?!"
"No, not really. The teacher just gave us a book report assignment. I'm just a cartoon character and don't even know how to read!!! And not only that, but when she does that 'wah wah - thing', I have no idea what she's saying!"

Well, the Charlie Browns of the world can relax with the new Accelerated Reader program (A.R.) that's up and running at Roosevelt Elementary. Students can choose from a variety of books that are marked for the A.R. program. After reading the book, they simply notify the teacher that they have completed a book (at their level) and they take a computerized comprehensive test. They will then receive points for the correct responses. Sounds simple enough, right? Wait, there's more!

With the points students earn they can receive prizes from the prize box - or bank their money until the a later time, for a larger pay off. The reward system is two-fold: Points go towards the class and to the individual. Wait there's more! (wah wah, wah)

As the teacher, I have to opportunity to track student progress! A.R. provides a number of reports to the teacher for assessment and evaluation. So, Charlie Brown, you see..... reading can be fun, rewarding, and educational without the three page, double spaced, don't forget your name, book report!!


Anonymous said...

What does this have to do with our

Mr. David Kelly said...

The Accelerated Reader program will be used by our class. Instead of writing monthly book reports, you will be using this as a grade outcome in reading. So start checking on the marked books in the media center!

Phill (with 2 L's) said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey PHILL he/me is NOT a guy. Let me know when you read this. I'm very mad right now!!!!!

December 4

Phill (with 2 L's) said...

What the heck are you talking about me there is no comment having anything to do with that(whatever it may be)

Anonymous said...

I really dont like to read AR books!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

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