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Monday, July 07, 2008

Cookie Update

Day 413:

Cookies for Cancer
Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 4:30-6:30
Place: South State Street across from Wells Baseball Fields

Thank you for all the input on the poll. With baseball season across the street winding down, we're hoping that means more parking for 'cookie lovers' and 'cancer supporters'. As we discuss the exact details of helping children with cancer and sharing support, it's amazing the opportunities that Hannah will have to do just that.

In July, she will have a terrific opportunity to share her experience, faith, and goals for childhood cancer support with the vacation bible students at Stevensville United Methodist.

Then in August she will travel to Three Oaks (Acorn Theatre) where Jenna Mammina has invited her to bring her Cookies for Cancer. Jenna's also releasing her new album. Should be a great night!

"I think we may need a bigger oven," I told Kim, as she begins to mull through the number of cookies she will make over the course of years to come!


Anonymous said...


Don't worry Dave, when we get those books selling, and picture printing places running, we'll buy you an oven. Maybe 2, you never really can know. :-)


PS: Jenna Mammina rocks!

PPS: I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Could you have imagined over a year ago that all these phenomenal events and people would bless your life? It is God's work; there's no denying that!

If Kim needs help baking cookies, let me know.

Looking forward to Hannah being at our church!

Mr. David Kelly said...

Melissa - I'm told you're the contact girl. What should we know about the visit? Give me a call,...or I can/will call you soon.

Anonymous said...

That's my cuz!! Yes Shanna, she does rock!
I heard you all met her. I called you guys to come down for a burger,
but no answer at the Kelly house.
Mitch & Jenna were there and talking about this amazing little girl they had met who was selling
cookies to raise money for cancer.
I said, you met Hannah Kelly? They were very impressed with Hannah, and with Shanna. I told Jenna she needed to go on the blog and read up from the beginning.
Anyway, it's cool that you met. I hope to see you all at the Acorn!

Anonymous said...

On my way to doctors appt. with my dad for biopsy results. Obviously we are praying for good news. Will let you know how it goes.

b said...

Cookies rock! How exciting for Hannah. The possibilities are endless. God is good.