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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Rain Delay

Day 415:

"It's RAINING!" shrieks came from outside.

I had just wrapped up another year of Wimbledon (viewing), so I knew what to do if you have a grass tennis court and it begins to rain: have 30 men and women run out with a giant tarp, drop the net to ground level, remove the posts, and pitch the tarp in a manner that facilitates water run-off. I could picture it as if I were still watching it happen, over and over again.

"DAD!" another scream - I can also relate to how my students may drift off from time to time when I'm teaching (they're probably thinking about Wimbledon too).

Hannah and Emily had been outside for a grand 30 minutes on the Cookies for Cancer corner when the weather broke with a round of rain. Springing into action like any good, retired superhero might do, I quickly made my way to the door - just in time to hold it open for the girls to haul all their supplies inside,...which brings me a long overdue top ten.

Top Ten Things a Teacher Does or Says While On Summer Break

10. Taste tester for budding cookie cause.
9. Checking email daily waiting for the principal to make you come back to school because you forgot to sign off on some paperwork.
8. Discover a way to dismantle the snooze bar.
7. Get a job for fun because you don't care if you quit or get fired.
6. Find yourself mummbling, "So this must be what retirement is like."
5. Hold back from correcting other kids in public places.
4. Have a breakthrough by deciphering whether you're more like 'George' or 'Kramer' from Seinfeld.
3. Walk around asking people, "What day is this? I've lost track - I'm a teacher."
2. Waking up mid morning and thinking: If I were teaching, it would almost be lunch time about now.
1. Start counting down the number of days until the beginning of next summer.


Anonymous said...

Hee! HEE! Ha! HA!

Flour, sugar, chocolate chips, butter, vanilla: $10.00

Building a deluxe Cookie Stand to sell Cookies for Cancer: $50.00 (Is this the correct price?)

Helping others and Dave's Top Ten Lists: PRICELESS!

Great blog!



Anonymous said...

I understand it is summer, Dave. However, Thurs. is spelled incorrectly on the right of the blog. Unless you wanted to Thrus. yourself into the cookie business.


Mr. David Kelly said...

Cool - thanxs for the info. I can hopefully correct it quickly. Typing and spelling - not my best qualities.

b said...

LOVE the top 10 list ... but where on the list is helping prepare a gourmet lunch?

Anonymous said...

.5: Having friends come and be part of the family; just cuz.



Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah, Just checking in to see how you have been doing on your "Cookies For Cancer" project. How much have your raised so far? I'm sure from what I hear and read in this blog that people are responding to help you with this great idea of yours. Do you think that adding a big cardboard thermometer to the side of your poster would help people see how much you've collected? Put a goal amount up at the top and see if people can help you reach that goal or even better to go beyond it. It's just a thought. I pray you have another fantastic day!