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Thursday, October 02, 2008

6 Letter Word - Budget

The fixed income. Hate it, like it, live it, blow it.

Kim and I have been involved in the Dave Ramsey mode of finance where you actually do a budget. Piece of cake. I can make numbers jump columns, the poor become less poor, and an eraser sing as it goes across the spreadsheet for the Nth time. It's a work of art by the time I'm finished: "Honey, get the frame, polish the glass,...... this baby is ready to be displayed, admired, and,....." well that's about it. The follow through seems to lack a little pizzazz.

Case in point: The little light in the vehicle comes on telling me that something is in need of attention. Not a problem - my way of assuring myself that I'm not about to get the 'Mechanic Special' by Mr. Wrench (the 2nd cousin twice removed from the more famous Mr. French - who, without a doubt made some nice coin for what he did). Well, a half of an Ellen Show and some local news in the hospitality lounge of the mechanics garage,... and I'm walking away with ONE IMPOSSIBLE FINANCIAL BUDGET. Oh sure, I could fudge the numbers once again, but that would require the removal of glass, the taking apart a thing of beauty. Who wants that? No one - right?!

So as I'm driving away from my cash-ectomy, I find myself really quite angry that this fine establishment has my money, budget,... but the worst part was, as I glanced down at the dashboard I find the ultimate "In Your Face" - the check engine light is still on! They did all the extra work to the vehicle, charged me a ton of money, but apparently it wasn't enough for the light to shut off. At this point what is there to do? I'll tell you,... you live it. Sometimes you live it to the best situations, and sometimes you just live 'It'. Today, I'm going to live it. Hopefully, tomorrow,.. I don't blow it.


b said...

Oh man! That stinks!!! Can't wait to get the update on what exactly was wrong with the van. BUMMER!

Don't wear RED on Friday.

Your Garanimal lovin' friend,

Anonymous said...

Stay COOL, but we say take the Van back and have them make it right - at NO extra charge.

Dad & Mom