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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Speaking Tennis

Day 454:

"I don't know if I can do this," as we sat and watched Sam finish his last match of the day in a see-saw three set match,...Kim's nerves had been tested through the course of this week as Sam tried out for the tennis team and had his first tournament, already.

Alex and Sam ran the gamut as freshmen, going through tie-breakers, playing a top ranked team in the state, a three setter to wrap up the entire tournament as the last on the courts,... and placing third in their flight. The team placed 2nd (without even having their number 1 singles player there). So to respond to Kim's nerves, I simply reminded her, "What if my mother were here?" That pretty much puts things into perspective.

The best part of the day,...everything!


It's always wonderful to have role models. Those who have been there before you, that you look up to, that you respect,... that you use as your life compass. We saw it with Sam this weekend, but we had seen it about a year ago with Shanna and Hannah.

In Hannah's case for her past speaking engagements with the United Way, it's been great to refer to the old stand-by of 'What Would Shanna Do?' As we stood before another group, I reminded Hannah that people would more than likely want to SEE her arm, which was covered by her splint that she wears. "No Dad!" apparently the discussion was over when it came to my prodding her to remove the splint.

What she failed to realize was my ace in the hole, my trick up my sleeve, my,... trump card: "Well, what would Shanna do in this situation?" with a raise of my eyebrow I knew I had asked the question that already had an answer to it.

Not even a response,... just a gaze, followed by the handing over of the splint. Hannah went on to give her brief speech,... and kept her left hand over her right forearm to cover it. Little steps, little steps. This week we're off to St. Joe High School to talk to teachers.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS SAM! Great pictures and determination.

Hannah has matured and grown so much through this experience. Truly: your family is the epitome of making lemonade out of lemons. It IS always good to have a "go to" person; Shanna is a no fail go to. God knew what he was doing when he brought y'all together!

Just got back from Texas, so I have a l'il southern accent. Although, the teachers there kept saying I had an accent. Who figured?

GOLD! Although, I think Shanna is the Michael Phelps of the blog olympics.

See you soon-

Mr. David Kelly said...

I think if given the proper incentives and a speed boat, I could beat Phelps and perhaps Shanna.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahaa. Beat Shanna? Does that actually happen? :-) Nah. Though, for some of Kim's cookies, I may waver in my blog olympicing...just for the sake of you. ;-)

On the verge of heading off to college, and hanging onto God's promise that He has great plans for each of us, there's all the comfort we need in new situations knowing that He's got us exactly where we need to be, and we can most definately do all we can to help other people. Just think about sharing what God has done in you life every single second of every day. No matter what that means for us. If it's helping someone else, it's worth it all.

Oh, and Boots, you just made my day.


PS: Two days to college life!

Anonymous said...

GREAT photos Sam!!! We are SO PROUD of you and your accomplishments. CONGRATS again from the bottom of our hearts. Looking forward to seeing you play. Work hard and have fun!!!

Love you,
Grandpa & Grandma

Unknown said...

Hey Sam- Congratulations on making the varsity team. Good luck to you the rest of the season. It seems to have started out really positive. Work hard and eat your vegetables.

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