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Monday, April 07, 2008

Spring HAS Sprung

Day 313:

"Welcome back to school. I trust everyone had a good break and we're ready to finish the year strong," I was forced to use my projection voice, as kids eagerly shared stories of Spring Break.

A lot of times, following vacations, I like to take some time to sit back and listen through the din to the various stories around the room as vacations are regaled,.... like this one,.. "Hey, do you know how they hire the girls that work at Hooters?" ...., or this one,... "Do you know where babies come from?"

Ah,.... Spring is in the air. Of course, on both topics, I quickly put a halt to the conversation. Well, okay,..I tried to put a halt to the conversation. It was the baby question that wouldn't go away as quickly as the "Hey, no talk about hiring techniques in class," - a couple girls decided to follow it up with a small group discussion with me as others prepared for music class.

"So, Mr. Kelly, where do babies come from?"
"Their mother," after all, I've taught human growth and development for years, these girls didn't know they are dealing with a professional.

"We know they come from the mother," they continued, "but how do they get inside the mother?"
"Yeah, like is it some magical pill or something?" the second girl chimed in.
"No, there's no pill," I paused to collect my words, "there's just a long talk that you will have with your mother to explain things. But, let's not expect that talk anytime soon."

With eyes rolling, "I know about the talk. My older brother had that over break. It didn't sound like they enjoyed it much."
"So, will you have the talk with us?" another well-versed question from the friend.

"Mr. Kelly, are your kids READY FOR MUSIC!" the music teacher appeared in the nick of time in my doorway.

Later today: Hannah and Buddy


Anonymous said...


Mr. says the stork is real.



PS: Gold Baby!

Anonymous said...

CLASSIC! In first grade, it's "Do you believe in Santa? Is Santa real?" Gotta love inquisitive children!

Melissa R.


b said...

Come on ... it's Wednesday night and I'm getting BRONZE? What's happening? Dave, where did this post come from .... it wasn't there before Buddy's post. Hmmmm. Another blog mystery!