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Friday, February 15, 2008

Done, Dun, and Over?

Wrapping up basketball season, no matter how good it is, has always been a great feeling. It's like completing a big project, is the time to sit back, look back, and reflect. No more practice plans, no more game nights, no more rushing around - just,.... well,... peace.

It also means a chance to sit down and write more (which I feel neglectful in).

Reading Danielle's Carepage this morning, Dawn touched on the stage of cancer that we live in now: the waiting, the wondering, the scans, and the fear of what lies ahead. It's a bit surreal at times to look back on the diagnosis, the treatment, the surgeries, and the whole way in which your world changes so quickly (without even the courtesy of forewarning).

This fight is always with us, always on our minds with but a few moments of forgetfulness and escape. My favorite thing lately is to hear people say, "Thank goodness it's over and Hannah's fine." I respond with, "Absolutely." For we have, through the grace of God, made it through a very rough patch, but I always keep in my mind,...Absolutely,... but we're not done. We'll never be done. We still have ten years to get through it.

Sharing with others is such a blessing - thanks for reading.

Peace and Prayers


Anonymous said...

Well, it would appear that I'm the sole reader at the moment. Since this gives me two GOLDs! A favorite quote of mine is:

"Remember me cancer? You've made me who I am today." -Lance Armstrong

You are right, and I'm so glad you're writing again. The life before cancer had none in it, and the life after cancer means it's forever in it. But, with God at our side, and the blessings that arise I think I'm ok with it.


b said...

Silver, again.

Glad that Bball is over, and congrats on a fantastic JV Year.

As for the cancer, no, it's never over, but thankfully, for now, and hopefully forever, the chemo and radiation of Hannah are over.

Getting ready to "Wing" it ...


Anonymous said...


You are sooo right about how cancer can change your world without warning.
I'm so happy that Hannah is doing well. She looks great! I just love the picture at the top of the blog page.
Take care!